Trang chủ » Iron supplements for pregnant women according to each stage of pregnancy

Iron supplements for pregnant women according to each stage of pregnancy

Iron supplements for pregnant women according to each stage of pregnancy

12/07/2022 - 466

Although the need for iron increases during pregnancy, but not every supplement is good. Iron needs in each stage are different and excess iron also causes many dangerous consequences. To learn about how to supplement iron for pregnant women according to each stage of pregnancy properly, please refer to the article below.

Iron supplements for pregnant women from what month?

Pregnancy can be divided into 3 stages: the first 3 months, the second 3 months and the last 3 months. Iron requirements therefore also vary between stages. Many pregnant women think that iron supplementation during pregnancy is enough. However, right before pregnancy, right after birth are also important times to be provided with iron.

Take iron right before trying to get pregnant

Pre-pregnancy nutritional supplements to improve health and fertility in women.

About 2 to 3 months before conception, women should take about 30 mg of iron per day. Iron supplements help to compensate for the blood loss of the last menstrual period. At the same time, iron is stored in the body to help with conception and prevent anemia during pregnancy.

Acid folic, vitamin B12, các vi khoáng khác được đưa cùng với sắt vào cơ thể thông qua các viên sắt tổng hợp. Nhờ đó sức khỏe, hệ miễn dịch của phụ nữ được cải thiện dần.

Iron and folic acid not only contribute to hematopoiesis, but have been shown to play a role in increasing the ability to conceive naturally. In addition, folic acid also helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. Adequate amounts of iron and folic acid are supplemented from right before conception 2 to 3 months to help support the healthy development of the fetus.

Iron supplement in the first 3 months like?

The first 3 months is the time when embryonic cells and fetuses form and multiply rapidly. The processes of transformation and structure take place strongly. Supplementing with 50 mg of iron per day creates the best conditions for enzyme activity, nutrient transport and oxygen to be facilitated.

Pregnant women always need iron supplements during pregnancy

The first 3 months are also the time when the fetus is most sensitive. Any effect from harmful substances or simply a lack of nutrients is dangerous for the unborn baby. Premature birth, stillbirth are adverse consequences that can be encountered due to folic acid and iron deficiency.

During this period, pregnant women are often pregnant. Therefore, mothers should choose iron tablets, preferably iron combined with micro-minerals. Iron coated tablets will help you cover the unpleasant fishy smell of iron.

Iron supplement for pregnant women from the second month of pregnancy to delivery

In the following months, the fetus has the strongest growth. Organs such as the heart, liver, and lungs are gradually formed, the weight of the fetus increases rapidly. To accommodate this, maternal blood volume increased by 20% in the second trimester to a 50% increase in late pregnancy.

Iron provided 60 mg per day participates in the strong blood formation process, promotes the miraculous exchange of oxygen and nutrients taking place in the body. In addition, some iron is taken to the liver to be stored for the delivery process. The large amount of blood lost after giving birth needs to be compensated in time so that the pregnant woman can recover.

Supplement iron with nutritious diets

If pregnant women are taking synthetic iron at this stage, they need to supplement with separate iron tablets. Synthetic iron contains lower levels of elemental iron, so providing only synthetic iron will not meet the demand.

Nhưng bạn biết đó, nhu cầu sắt cho bà bầu rất cao, cao gấp 5 lần so với 100g gan động vật (nguồn thực phẩm giàu sắt nhất). Và việc hấp thu lượng thức But you know, the iron requirement for pregnant women is very high, 5 times higher than 100g of animal liver (the richest source of iron). And it is not possible to absorb such a large amount of food. Therefore, iron tablets were born to overcome this disadvantage. Compact, tablet weight around 600 mg but can provide exactly 60 mg iron. Iron for pregnant women is the type of iron that does not cause side effects.

Can I take iron and calcium at the same time?

Iron and calcium are absorbed together in the duodenum and small intestine. Studies have shown that taking iron and calcium together has the potential to reduce iron absorption. It is best to use the 2 preparations at least 2 hours apart.

There is another way to supplement iron and calcium without the fear of interactions. That is using synthetic iron tablets containing calcium. Iron and calcium in the composition of synthetic iron tablets have been covered by the preparation technique, so they are more absorbed.

Can I take iron and vitamin C?

The answer is yes. Not only can vitamin C be taken with iron, but it is also recommended to be taken with iron. Vitamin C has the ability to increase iron absorption. Therefore, in the process of taking iron tablets, using more vitamin C-rich foods such as orange juice, grapefruit juice will achieve better results.

Iron supplementation for pregnant women according to each stage of pregnancy properly helps the process of taking iron achieve the best results. Besides taking iron, pregnant women also need to pay attention to a nutritious diet, using foods rich in iron and vitamin C.

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